I work at a strange and interesting company. For one of the projects, my company acquired a full-sized mannequin. (Don’t ask me why, I don’t fully understand it myself.) Needless to say, the programmers had a lot of fun dressing him in strange clothes. He is positioned strategically so that he scares unsuspecting victims as they come around the corner. We’ve already had one victim, the cleaning lady, scream and wet her pants when she arrived early one morning.
I took this while they were positing him near my desk.
You can check out more Behinds at http://dumbbuttblog.blogspot.com/. Thanks Angel for the "plug."
I am going to post this now and I will link to your blog so that everyone else can see it's pretty behind.
For a mannequin he sure has a nice butt, lol. Gosh, I am soooo bad. :-)
I have a great manneguin shot that I swiped from my son's collection...haven't figure a way to work it into a post yet...it could creep people out. I curious about a mannequin in an office?!
PS I'm thinking his name could be KEN.
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