Looks like the Bees in The Bee House are moving into their new home. We had a beekeeper come out to take the bees. It was a very interesting project. My husband actually got to put on a complete bee suit and help.
They tore up the floorboards and found a large hive. They cut sections of the honeycomb and placed them into the box--their new home. Then they grabbed handfuls of bees and put them into the box as well. The whole time they hoped that they got the queen. She is the key to moving the hive.
Seems that they did get the queen and the new hive is getting settled. Soon, the beekeeper will retrieve the box and take them to their new location. I hope they like the ride!
No, we won't be getting any honey. I'm not taking any chances with questionable honey made in an old, abandoned house.
That sounds seriously cool! It also sounds seriously scary to me 'cause I'm deathly allergic to bee stings.. but still.. Cool! :)
Spammers... donthca love 'em? Anyway, I missed this post when you first created it. That's great news that the hive was successfully relocated. The honeybee population is decreasing and we really need them for all the good pollination work they do. I've read that having honey bees can increase the harvest from an orchard or garden by... well, I forgot, but it was staggering.
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