13 Things That Happened to Me in the Past Two Weeks
Yeah, I know: I didn’t post a Thursday Thirteen last week. I was out of town. Here’s what happened:
- I went to an outdoor wedding for a good friend. The weather was actually very nice. I was able to bring both kids and we all partied until we couldn’t party no more!
- I had a business trip to Denver for a tradeshow. The hotel we had made reservations with, the Grand Hyatt, didn’t have a double double room, so they put Aimee the Red and I on the “secure” top floor with a great view and a free lounge. Aimee slept on a roll-a-way bed until they moved our room, across the hall, to one with two double beds.
- We’re not 100% sure, but we think Kathy Lee Gifford was staying on the secure floor with us. She was in town to do a musical about the Red Hat Society.
- We were exhibitors at the tradeshow, so we had to stay around our booth for 6 hours, two days in a row. My feet have yet to recover!
- On one side of our booth were a couple of guys who we seemed to get along with. They challenged us to an early-morning game of basketball, which we accepted. So we got up at 5:30 am, walked in the cold to their hotel, and played basketball. We gave them a run for their money!
- On the other side of our booth was a company that included a couple young, handsome guys dressed as cowboys. Not bad to look at all day!
- A booth across from us offered free chair massages. During a slow time, I took advantage of the situation and MAN, did it feel good!
- As you may know from a previous blog entry, I danced at the bar at Coyote Ugly. I wasn’t drunk—I just wanted to say that I’d done it!
- I had made a request of the piano man at the hotel lobby, Moondance. I tipped him a little, and then every time he saw me, he’d play that tune again. So I had to keep tipping him!
- I got to have dinner with my old friend, Sandi the Red, who I grew up with and now lives in Denver. We had great Indian food and lots of talk!
- We rented a car and drove to Boulder. Boulder was awesome, especially Pearl Street. We met two brothers of a friend of Aimee the Red’s. The brothers, and their friends were all very cool.
- We agreed to watch one of our godsons for the weekend. My husband drove 2 hours to go pick him up. On the way back, our godson got carsick. He projectile vomited as soon as the tires hit our driveway. Why couldn’t he have waited a few seconds?
- Aimee the Red told me about a car accident she had when she was in high school. She slid on some fresh tar, hit a construction truck, and the car behind her hit her. She was cited, but contested and won! When talking to our good friend and neighbor, I found out that she was the one that hit Aimee the Red. Small world!
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great tt! am going to a wedding this weekend too. mine's up! ;)
You are one usy person. My T13 "13 Things I Hate About My Sleep Study Edition" is up. Stop by if you get a chance.
I used to be the person people rented booths from at shows - golly I got yelled at a lot!
Good to see you back I was checking in.
Take care,
Sounds like you had a good couple of weeks
My list is up
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