A huge shout out goes to fellow blogger SusieJ, who wrote a Thursday Thirteen about the book "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day." She inspired me to get the book, which I did. In fact, I paid extra for overnight shipping and thanked my husband for the Valentines Day present. But because of this stupid Flu and Bronchitis, I was not able to make my first batch for a week.
I have to say, this is wonderful. The dough was easy to make, and the baking was easy, too. The only difficult part was waiting for it to cool before we had our first bite.
Now that the loaf is almost gone, we'll have to discipline ourselves to wait until tomorrow to make another one. Otherwise, all this weight that I lost while sick will just jump right back on.
I highly recommend: Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
by Jeff Hertzberg
Google ate my first comment (no pun intended) but, I wanted to say, I'm glad you got the book (Happy V-Day!) and I am having so much fun with it too!
Amy: Thanks for trying our stuff. If you have questions, stop in at our website/blog, at www.artisanbreadinfive.com, and post to any of the "Comments" fields.
Jeff Hertzberg (www.artisanbreadinfive.com)
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