13 Things I remember from September 11, 2001
- I wasn't at work long and a co-worker got a call from her mother that a plane hit one of the towers in New York City. She thought her mother was crazy.
- I checked the internet and saw a one-sentance headline on my news site. It said something like "A passenger plane has flown into the World Trade Center.".
- As news came in, people were trying to find out more. I wasn't able to get a live TV feed from the main channels in the US, but I was able to get the BBC..
- People stood around my computer and watched, in horror, as the towers fell. Some people couldn't even watch. I was one of them. It just didn't seem real..
- A television was brought into the lunchroom so people could watch the coverage.I tried to keep busy that day. I think I had some kind of important deadline. It was important to someone else, but nothing seemed very important to me..
- My boss was on a business trip to LA. He was stuck there for a few days. I remember getting messages from him via his Blackberry..
- A salesman for the company was supposed to make a sales call to the Pentagon that day--for some reason, he did not..
- The president of the company contacted every company associate in New York and made sure everyone was okay. He then sent a message letting everyone else know..
- I remember wanting to do something for the victims--like give blood or donate blankets. But as news filtered in, we realized that it wasn't necessary..
- On my way to pick up my 1-year-old son, I was struck by the lack of airplanes in the sky. It was very strange. .
- The weather and the sky that day was very beautiful, a juxtaposition to what was happening in New York..
- We finally got into contact with our friends in New York to find out that they are okay. One, however, was in the mess in Manhattan, running away from the towers..
- We didn't feel like doing much and went out to eat. We were the only people in the restaurant. Streets were empty and the mood was very grim. .
I didn't realize that today is Sept. 11. So many things many people still can recall after all these years...
I remember that day vividly. In fact, I remember having onion soup from Panera brought in while glued to the tv...it was also a beautiful day that day here in MA...bright blue skies, big puffy white clouds...
I didn't realize until this morning that it was Sept 11. I also remember the day vividly. I was working overnight, so I went home just as it all started and watched the coverage all day long on TV. I lit candles and cried with the victims' families (watching them on TV) for weeks. I contacted old friends to tell them I missed them and to keep in touch, life is too short. I went out to get lunch and I wondered if I should "stock up" on supplies, because I worried that the world was under some kind of attack and we'd be next (in Chicago). Thanks for making this thought-provoking list.
Because of the time zone differences both towers had fallen by the time my alarm went off for me to get ready for work.
My TT is up too.
I can identify with your feeling of not wanting to watch TV and it all seeming unreal. I was across the U.S. from all the activity, and felt very detached from it in some ways. In other ways I think it was obvious the world changed in a big way that morning.
amazing how vivid we remember that day...
Happy TT!
Thanks for sharing your experience. I think these kind of experiences -the trauma each of us felt - gets lost in the media hype. ((hug))
I had just finished burying a brother who died a month after another brother. My niece called to tell me and at first I didn't care and couldn't absorb it and then I put on the TV and all I could think was that the whole world had joined me in grief.
PS Two towers down, like my two brothers. Surreal for real.
nice post/site
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