13 Things I remember from September 11, 2001
- I wasn't at work long and a co-worker got a call from her mother that a plane hit one of the towers in New York City. She thought her mother was crazy.
- I checked the internet and saw a one-sentance headline on my news site. It said something like "A passenger plane has flown into the World Trade Center.".
- As news came in, people were trying to find out more. I wasn't able to get a live TV feed from the main channels in the US, but I was able to get the BBC..
- People stood around my computer and watched, in horror, as the towers fell. Some people couldn't even watch. I was one of them. It just didn't seem real..
- A television was brought into the lunchroom so people could watch the coverage.I tried to keep busy that day. I think I had some kind of important deadline. It was important to someone else, but nothing seemed very important to me..
- My boss was on a business trip to LA. He was stuck there for a few days. I remember getting messages from him via his Blackberry..
- A salesman for the company was supposed to make a sales call to the Pentagon that day--for some reason, he did not..
- The president of the company contacted every company associate in New York and made sure everyone was okay. He then sent a message letting everyone else know..
- I remember wanting to do something for the victims--like give blood or donate blankets. But as news filtered in, we realized that it wasn't necessary..
- On my way to pick up my 1-year-old son, I was struck by the lack of airplanes in the sky. It was very strange. .
- The weather and the sky that day was very beautiful, a juxtaposition to what was happening in New York..
- We finally got into contact with our friends in New York to find out that they are okay. One, however, was in the mess in Manhattan, running away from the towers..
- We didn't feel like doing much and went out to eat. We were the only people in the restaurant. Streets were empty and the mood was very grim. .