13 Things My Mother Says About Creekistan
My mother is visiting Creekistan this week. She's not from around here. Here are some of her impressions dictated to me:
- Up in "No Mans Land."
- Where are all the birds? I expected to hear hear birds chirping when I woke up in the morning but it's too quiet.
- The dog is a pain in the butt. Because he doesn't see any people, he bombards people. If you sit outside, he's trying to lick you.
- We sat out one night and did hear some sounds and enjoyed the full moon.
- Creekistan needs rain.
- Every time I go to Creekistan my hair goes crazy!
- One day, we took the bumpy "back roads" home that really had me saying 'there are no signs!' and when you do get to a stop sign, you better stop because you'll go over a cliff! I felt we really were in the backwoods. It was very interesting! But when we got attacked by three dogs and punctured a tire at the same time, it made for a very interesting trip. We were lucky to make it home in one piece.
- The people are different then the people where I come from.
- The scenery is beautiful. I bet the people that live here all the time probably don't appreciate it. I like all the trees.
- It's interesting to see all the different types of homes. Some that are pretty nice, to some that are pretty bad. The bads ones look like they are hardly livable, they don't look livable from the outside.
- The older people like to sit out on their porches or decks and watch the cars go by. They usually wave.
- Creekistan is on a street very few cars go by, especially at night. I wonder if anyone comes by during the night.
- I miss watching TV. I wonder what's happening on the outside world. I have to get the news off of the radio or the Internet.