13 Things I Did Twenty Years Ago
I vividly remember February 12th, 1988 because it was my first date with my future husband. Once we're over the flu, I'm sure we'll celebrate this 20th anniversary.
1. February 12th, 1988 was a Friday before a 3-day weekend. Sunday was Valentine's Day, and Monday was President's Day. As a bonus, school was called off on Friday because of snow.
2. Although I had not seen him in a few months, I was talking to FH (future husband) on the phone a lot. We talked a lot on the phone that day, and agreed to meet at a local mall.
3. I was fairly new to the area, but I could navigate by malls. Unfortunately, on my way to the mall to meet with FH, I missed the exit.
4. I finally got to the mall and we met near a pet store. The pet store has since been replaced by a food court. Makes me wonder . . .
5. We went out for Chinese (Golden Buddha) and brought it to a friend's babysitting job to eat. My friend is responsible for making sure we got together. My school was having a Sadie Hawkins dance--girls were supposed to invite boys. I could only remember FH's name and the school he attended. She researched it in the phone book and actually found his number, dialed it, and forced me to talk. He wasn't home.
6. I took him home to meet the parents. I'm not sure what they thought, since FH had safety pins stuck all over his pants in a semi-punk style. But my Shi-Tzu puppy loved him and nipped his nose.
7. We went to a movie that night. What romantic movie did we choose for our first date? Fatal Attraction.
8. By the time we got back from the movie, it was late. We sat in front of the fire and kissed for a while. We looked at the clock and it said 1:11. From then on, every time we see that time, we kiss.
9. With permission from my parents and FH's mother, he stayed on the couch.
10. I brought him coffee in the morning in my "Amy" cup.
11. We hung out the next day with my friends. We had our typical Pop-Tarts, Root Beer Float and Fencing party. Seriously! We'd have junk food and spar with swords.
12. We had to take FH home Saturday night. He lived across town, about 45 minutes away.
13. But I did get to see him again on Monday, President's Day. We hung out at his Mother's house and watched the Talking Heads movie, "Stop Making Sense." I love the '80's!
Thats a great list of memories. But was 1988 really two decades ago? That is very scary.
Happy memories. Happy TT.
How wonderful. I absolutely loved reading each and everything on this list. Very well done. Have a great TT and Valentine's Day. I'm sure your will. :)
You have a marvelous memory! You brought back the times so beautifully.
Wow that's great that you could remember all those details..
Fun times. I hope you get over the flu quickly...
Oh, that's a lovely story. Congratulations on twenty years!!
The 80s were great times!
The Pink Flamingo
I remember dialing the phone...
Very well done, Amy! It was a pleasure to read =) - Happy TT + Happy Valentine´s Day ♥
P.S.: Morning coffee in your "Amy" cup *sigh* Sooooo sweet!
wonderfully done! happy valentine's day!
What a graet love story -- I enjoyed reading it. Wishing many more years to come. Happy Valentine's Day!
This is one of the best Thursday 13 entries I've read today. I love that you have such vivid memories of your first date!
I love reading love stories! :)
My TT is 13 love songs that you can listen to in the post. Happy TT & Valentine's!
#11 just cracked me up! Happy anniversary :-)
ARRRGGGH! 1988 was ten years after I graduated high school. It can't have been 20 years ago!
I am glad you have such wonderful memories of that year. Best wishes to you and FH and thanks for sharing.
My 67th Thursday Thirteen edition 13 Romantic Tips (from a single man's perspective) is up. Stop by if you get a chance.
very detailed memories Did you journal then too
Twenty years ago was a very long time ago - amazing how much a life can change. Nice post.
Hm. You went from Stop Making Sense to living in the country 20 years later? That's ironic.
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