13 Reasons Why My Thursday Thirteen Is Late
1. Wednesday was my daughter's third birthday. We partied all day and the kids were still wound up in the evening.
2. I let my son stay up a little later Wednesday night because we were doing his "French for Kids" lessons--listening to a CD and doing worksheets. We can count to 10 in French now!
3. Wednesday night I went to bed with the kids and fell asleep. Therefore I was not able (or willing) to get up in the middle of the night and do my Thursday Thirteen. A lot of my TT writings are done around 3 am.
4. When I did wake up in the middle of the night, I was too cold. All I could do was change into my warm pajamas and get back under the warm covers.
5. With Monday being a holiday, I forgot that Thursday was Thursday.
6. My husband was scheduled for minor surgery Thursday morning. I was getting prepared for a rushed morning.
7. Thursday morning was rushed and very snowy. We decided, after starting down the road, to drop my son and daughter at the sitters and forget about school. I thought it would be cancelled anyway because of the snow.
8. I had to ship out some eBay stuff and had to stop at the post office before going to the surgery.
9. We got to the Same-Day Surgery center at 10 am--just as we were supposed to, even though the roads were snowy.
10. The doctor was running late. We had to wait until after 2 for his surgery. (FYI: He's fine, it was a routine procedure--but you know how sometimes men can be big babies!)
11. During the 4+ hour wait, I managed to crochet a small hat.
12. The drug store's computer was down, so I had to wait for my husband's medications.
13. I didn't get home to my computer until about 7 pm Thursday night. So here I am! Finally!
Oh...your poor husband...he probably had no food or water (or coffee with cream!!!) since before midnight the night before. I would be miserable.
I'm going in tomorrow and the routine is that on the hospital days, my husband gets up and gets the kids out so I can sleep as long as possible to minimize my waking time suffering with hunger and thirst.
I admire the strength you guys have on rough days like that. Prayers.
As for the excuses... you should have said the dog ate your TT!!!
Welcome back from your crazy day.
Those are all very good excuses. Except maybe the French lesson one. ;)
Men, big babies??? You got that right. Happy birthday to little one.
Oh, I popped in to say you have been added to the Magnificent Mamas of the Universe Blogroll....six kids you definitely earned it.
There is also a silly award on my blog today, created by me....grab it if you like.
Happy 3rd birthday to your daughter. Happy TT.
Happy belated birthday to your daughter!
I did mine very late and the next day got busted for counting to 13 wrong! Sounds as cold there as it is here.
All good reasons. Glad you made it anyway.
Better late then never!
Popped in to let you know there is now a variety of tags for your website that announce that you are a Magnificent Mama of the Universe, please pop in and get one.
The Mama Bear
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